What is this article about?
This article describes the procedure to create HP Quality Center Project by copying data from an existing HPQC Project.
Who should read this?
- TopTeam Users
Step 1. Choose the option to create Project by copying data from an existing project
This newly created project will be considered the same as the existing project while synchronization with TopTeam because HPQC Project identification number is the same for both the projects.
Project identification record is added while invoking HP Quality Center Connector for a Project.
This number is used for maintaining background information.
Follow the steps below for deleting the record of an identifying Quality Center Project which is added while copying data:
Step 2. Delete the record from Common Settings which is added for identifying Quality Center Project
To delete the record, execute the SQL given below:
CSET_CATEGORY = ‘TopTeamData’ and
CSET_NAME = ‘TopTeamExternalId’
Ensure that the record is deleted successfully.
Step 3. New Project identification record will be added while invoking HP Quality Center Connector for this project
Revised: May 24th, 2018