Using Default Values Editor

What is the Configure Fields: Default Values editor?

Specify the Default Field Values for a Record Type at the system-wide level using the Configure Fields: Default Values editor.

When a new record is created for a Record Type, the system will automatically populate the fields with the Default Values that were set in this editor.

You can access this editor from Administration > Configure System Record Types > Configure Fields: Default Values. Refer to the image below.


Configure Fields: Default Values editor


When to use it?

Use the Configure Fields: Default Values editor to:

  • Set Default Values that will automatically populate the fields of a new Record Type.

E.g. setting Priority = Very High when creating a new record of Issues Record Type.

  • Define different template values for different fields of a Record Type.

E.g. you can set the value of Requirement’s Description with a template value consisting of different sections.

Getting Started

You can access online help for the Configure Fields: Default Values editor from the link below:

Video – Configuring Fields Default Values