Overview This article explains how to grant access to all users to your project. All users in the system belong to the <<All Users>> user group. When a new …
Overview Password Policy is a set of rules designed to enhance security by encouraging users to employ strong passwords, forcing users to change their passwords at fixed time intervals …
What is the Define Workflow and Security Roles editor? The Define Workflow and Security Roles editor allows you to create Roles which are like “groups” of users who have …
Overview When you create a new Project, by default the internal Project security restrictions are OFF. In other words, all Project Team Members are free to edit any records …
Overview This article describes the step-by-step process for configuring security in TopTeam. Who should read this? TopTeam Administrators Project Administrators To configure TopTeam security we will start with adding …
Overview In order to view or edit any information in a project of TopTeam, you must be a Team Member of that project. By adding or removing users from …
Overview Roles are used for consolidating security privileges. These Roles can be assigned to Project Team Members. Project Team Members automatically inherit the privileges of the Roles assigned to …
Overview Roles represent a job function or a group of users. In TopTeam, Roles are used for consolidating security privileges as well as for workflow. We recommend that you …
Overview You can grant Security/Workflow Roles to Project Team Members. This article describes the steps for assigning Roles to Project Team Members. Who should read this? TopTeam Administrators TopTeam …
Overview When you first install TopTeam, there is only one User Account defined in the system. The Admin user account is the only predefined account in the TopTeam system. …