Tag: Notifications

How to create new Notification Triggers

Overview Advanced Notification helps you receive and set timely notifications about TopTeam records on certain events such as on record create, update, delete, version change, etc. This article explains …

Defining Personal Notifications Subscriptions

Overview You can create personal notification subscriptions to receive alerts on records that you are the creator or owner of. This can be done using My Notification Subscriptions editor. …

Creating Project-based Notification Subscriptions

Overview Project-based notifications subscriptions allow you to send alerts of any project activities to your project team members. This can be done using the Notification Subscriptions for Projects editor …

Customizing Notification Triggers and Email Templates

What is the Customize Notification Triggers and Email Templates editor? The Customize Notification Triggers and Email Templates editor displays System and Custom Notification Triggers defined in TopTeam repository. Triggers …