Tag: Use Cases

Using Create Use Case Diagram Wizard

What is Create Use Case Diagram Wizard? Create Use Case Diagram Wizard guides you through simple steps to automatically generate a Use Case Diagram. Select Use Cases and Actors …

Using Use Case Diagram Editor

What is the Use Case Diagram editor? The Use Case Diagram editor can be used to graphically define Use Case analysis of a system. It defines the relationships between …

Using Use Case Scenario Editor

What is the Use Case Scenario editor? The Use Case Scenario editor represents different scenarios in a Use Case. A scenario is a pairing of the Main Flow with …

Using Generate Scenarios from Use Case Wizard

What is Generate Scenarios Wizard? Generate Scenarios Wizard guides you through simple steps for generating scenarios from a Use Case. It shows proposed list of scenarios and you can …

Using Use Case Editor

What is the Use Case editor? The Use Case editor helps you create or edit all fields and related information for a single record of a Use Case record …